Sunday, April 12, 2009

Manifest Destiny

Dear Diary,
Our group still manages to keep the hope alive that we'll reach Utah tomorrow. Our new leader, Brigham Young, decided to move us there, because he's so certain we'll be left alone to practice our religion peacefully. I'm a bit skeptical, though. Everytime we've moved so far, there's always been at least someone who didn't approve of us, and drove us out. Why can't they just accept us? We both believe in God, right? I don't know how much longer I can take this journey, though. I keep praying to God for some sort of miracle to happen.
For the past few days, it's been anything but easy. It seems like the more we go west, the hotter the sun is. Everyone's weakening. We're all tired of eating the same thing constantly. As I look out, it's like we've never moved at all. The land looks the same to me. There hasn't been water for miles, and people are complaining of thirst. The only water that I see are people's tears when they lost a family member or friend. So if we were to stop, it was to bury someone.
This time, our wagon train has come to a sudden halt because one of the back wheels broke. It startled our oxen, and we jumped out so we could calm them down. A wagon pulled up, and helped us repair our wheel. Before we seperated, they told us that there was a nearby lake. Maybe God heard my prayers after all.

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