Sunday, April 12, 2009

Mormons Script (Group 5)

Number of People: Four.

Cast of Characters:
Angela: Mormon grandma
Daniel: Mormon teenager
Lisa: #1 Mormon lady
Rachel: #2 Mormon lady

We are the Mormons, and we're the members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
The church was founded in New York by Joseph Smith in 1830. As Mormons, we’re taught that Joseph Smith received” The Book of Mormon” from an angel and we dedicate our lives to follow God’s teachings. We even practice polygamy, which is where people can have more than one wife. Unfortunately, our leader was killed by a mob in Illinois in 1844. So even though our religion sounds awesome, you can tell that not many people accepted it. After Joseph Smith’s death, Brigham Young took over as our leader.

Scene 1: Why the Mormons Moved West
(everyone enters by running in)
Audience: Boo! I hate Mormons!
(catching breath)
Daniel: I’m sick and tired of people resenting us for our religion!
Rachel: That’s just because they’re jealous of us becoming rich and powerful fast. And being Polygamists.
Angela: We should do something about it!
Lisa: Like what? Move again? We’ve already moved from New York…then Ohio…
Rachel: Then Missouri….
Lisa: And even Illinois.
Daniel: Fine, let’s try one more time at least.
Angela: I got it! Let’s move to Utah! Maybe then we can be left alone to follow our faith peacefully.
Lisa: Ugh…

Scene 2: Hardships Mormons faced in Moving to the West
(everyone sits in a circle)
Daniel: I’m hungry… and tired!
Rachel: Oh hush up, we’ll stop soon to build a shelter and plant crops. Just pray or something.
Lisa: Oh now you decide that? Whenever we make a stop, we have to also bury another friend that died.
Angela: Pray?! That’s not going to give me my baked potatoes and pudding!
Lisa: I can’t believe how dry Utah is…how will we ever survive?
Angela: We need to figure out new ways to farm.
Daniel: Dams.
Rachel: What?
Daniel: DAMS-for water. We can also build canals and irrigation ditches to carry water from mountain springs to our farms in the valley.
Lisa: Well, that sounds like hard work….

Scene 3: The Mormon’s Legacy
Daniel: We are the first Americans to settle the Great Basin
Rachel: We even pioneered farming methods that settlers later adopted as their own.
Angela: We helped guide settlers coming West and Salt Lake City, Utah, became an important stop for travelers who needed food and supplies.
Lisa: Probably our most important accomplishment was spreading Mormonism. We started off as just as simple church, but right now, there are thirteen million Mormons worldwide.
Audience: -applause- YAY!~

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